The *Independent* reported that British prisons are facing unprecedented overcrowding alongside infestations of pests such as bedbugs, rats, and spiders, as well as issues with water leaks, poor ventilation, and faulty heating systems. الإندبندنت بأن السجون البريطانية تعاني من اكتظاظ غير مسبوق وغزو الطفيليات مثل البقّ، الجرذان، والعناكب، بالإضافة إلى تسرب المياه وسوء التهوية والتدفئة.
A report by independent monitors highlighted cases of kitchen closures due to rat infestations, the use of frozen rations for inmates, and prisoners being bitten by venomous spiders, including the "false widow."
Prisons Minister James Timpson described the report as highlighting the magnitude of the prison crisis, with male prisons consistently operating at 99% capacity since 2023. To address the crisis, the prison service announced a plan to delay sentencing in some areas to ease overcrowding.
Source : Novosti