رفضت المحكمة الإسرائيلية طلب رئيس الوزراء بنيامين نتنياهو تأجيل الإدلاء بشهادته في قضايا الفساد لمدة 15 يومًا إضافية، مشددة على أهمية الإسراع في إنهاء المحاكمة.
The Israeli court has denied Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request to delay his testimony in corruption cases for an additional 15 days, emphasizing the need to expedite the trial process.
Netanyahu claimed that his defense team was unprepared and that the trial coincided with decisions by the International Criminal Court. However, the court ruled that no significant circumstances justified the postponement.
Facing charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust, Netanyahu denies the allegations. His political opponents accuse him of escalating conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon to evade trial and secure his position.
يواجه نتنياهو اتهامات بالرشوة والاحتيال وإساءة الثقة، بينما يتهمه معارضوه بتصعيد الحروب في غزة ولبنان للتهرب من المحاكمة والحفاظ على منصبه.
Israeli Court Rejects Netanyahu’s Request to Postpone Testimony in Corruption Cases
The Israeli court has denied Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request to delay his testimony in corruption cases for an additional ...