عنوان:دوريات جوية مشتركة بين روسيا والصين تثير ردود فعل من كوريا الجنوبية - وكالة الحوض للأنباء

Joint Russian-Chinese Air Patrols Prompt Reactions from South Korea ...

China's Ministry of Defense announced that Russian and Chinese warplanes conducted joint strategic air patrols over the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean on November 29 and 30 as part of their ...

China's Ministry of Defense announced that Russian and Chinese warplanes conducted joint strategic air patrols over the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean on November 29 and 30 as part of their annual military cooperation plan. Moscow and Beijing emphasized that their collaboration adheres to international law and is not directed against other nations (*Source: TASS*).Source : TASS).

**Title:** Joint Russian-Chinese Air Patrols Prompt Reactions from South Korea**Summary:** China's Ministry of Defense announced that Russian and Chinese warplanes conducted joint strategic air patrols over the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean on November 29 and 30 as part of their annual military cooperation plan. Moscow and Beijing emphasized that their collaboration adheres to international law and is not directed against other nations (*Source: TASS*).Meanwhile, South Korea scrambled fighter jets in response to 11 Russian and Chinese aircraft entering its Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) without prior notice. Seoul clarified that the ADIZ is not territorial airspace but requires foreign aircraft to identify themselves to prevent accidents. Moscow stated that the unilaterally established ADIZ by South Korea does not impose any legal obligations on other countries (*Source: Yonhap*).المصدر: يونهاب).


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