إصدار نسخة مختصرة من البرنامج الانتخابي للمرشح محمد ولد الشيخ الغزواني بعنوان "طموحي للوطن" - وكالة الحوض للأنباء
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Release of a Summary Version of Presidential Candidate Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani's Electoral Program Titled "My Ambition for the Nation"

The communication committee of candidate Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani has released a summary version of his electoral program titled "My Ambition for the Nation". It includes the following points: a rule of law with modern governance,

The communication committee of candidate Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani has released a summary version of his electoral program titled "My Ambition for the Nation". It includes the following points: a rule of law with modern governance, a strong and environmentally sustainable economy, the development of human capital especially among the youth, social integration, and a secure state capable of facing geopolitical fluctuations.

You can view the summary version via the following link:[https://bit.ly/3KQzSoh](https://bit.ly/3KQzSoh)


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